KRUG #6 / 2018 powered by Rebased

KRUG #6 / 2018 - Organizers

Sebastian Bobrowski
Maciej Mensfeld
Krzysztof Hostyński :(

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us

KRUG #6 / 2018 - Sponsor

KRUG #6 / 2018 - Agenda

  • 18:30 - Opening - A Few Words from Organizers
  • 18:45 - The Modern Prometheus by Piotr Szotkowski
  • 19:15 - Q&A session
  • 19:30 - Continuous Delivery for Rubyist by Michał Knapik
  • 20:00 - Q&A session
  • 20:15 - Networking


6.11 OR 20.11 - TBD this week

KRUG's beverages
(thanks to Rebased)

  • Knowledge
  • Non alcoholic
  • Alcoholic ;)
  • Food

KRUG Sponsorship

  • We're community driven and we do this non-profit, so we appreciate help
  • If you want to help, contact us at
  • More details will be provided once you contact us

KRUG Code of Conduct

  • Follow MINASWAN (Matz is Nice And So We Are Nice)
  • Refrain from aggressive or insistent HR practices
  • Alert community leaders if you notice a dangerous situation or violations of this Code of Conduct

We're looking for someone to help us organize KRUG events

Interested? #=>

We're going to have really special guests this season!

charles Nutter @headius

The JRuby guy

Nick Sutterer @apotonick

The Trailblazer guy

Hasumi Hitoshi

The mruby/c guy

IoT workshops with mruby/c + ruby

  • Hasumi is not only going to talk, but also we'll have amazing workshops
  • ITOC is going (probably) to deliver us all the dev-kits (hardware)
  • 25-30 slots

Have a nice evening with KRUG!